2 years ago when I started using cloud service, specifically google’s, I didn’t really know about the difference between services, blindly following tutorials. Heck, even now I don’t really have a clue as well (too many cloud services, especially AWS!).
Just today I found out that google cloud function for Node.js 8 will be deprecated and everyone is asked to update to version 10, which also requires Blaze plan, which means giving google a credit card number. That sucks. I didn’t know until today that I can actually make google function with python. I should’ve used this 2 months ago if I knew Blaze plan would be required…
Google Function with Firebase Admin in python
- In one folder, create
- Login with
gcloud auth login
- Deploy function with
gcloud functions deploy firebase_test --runtime python37 --trigger-http
- Add allUsers by adding members from google cloud console
import firebase_admin
from firebase_admin import db
import flask
'databaseURL': 'https://<path>.firebaseio.com',
root_ref = db.reference('ref')
def firebase_test(request):
name = root_ref.child("name").get()
if not name:
return 'Resource not found', 404
return flask.jsonify({"name":name})
For Firebase Auth, I need to check this.
Google App Engine
Dialogflow’s inline fulfillment will also be required to use Node.js 10 I suppose (I think it only allows javascript). Also, without Blaze plan outbound request (request to server other than google) is not possible. I didn’t remember that I was actually making outbound request in Dialogflow’s fulfillment. I thought it wasn’t working and finally I just noticed that 2 years ago I actually used Google App Engine for the fulfillment, which apparently allows outbound request.
Sending Email
- Google App Engine: 100 email per day, or use Mailjet (free for 6000 email per month)
- Google Function: Using gmail only for 500 email per day, or use nodemailer with Blaze plan