2015.02.12 22:45


To quote from other tex file (ie. indicating that you have added this specific file in the paper). In the file you want to quote:

This is the line I want to quote.

In rebuttal file:



To get reference numbers from other file (ie. putting the same section/figure/table number in your rebuttal file as in your paper).

Section \ref{sec:Method}


Alternative of xr. To get name of section of other file from reference name (ie. replaces \nameref{sec:intro} to Introduction). When you click the link, it links to the section of the linked pdf file! Neat!

In file to get reference from:

\usepackage{xr-hyper} %put link between files
\usepackage{hyperref} %for nameref, use [draft]{hyperref} for disabling linking

In rebuttal file:

\usepackage{xr-hyper} %put link between files
\usepackage{hyperref} %for nameref, use [draft]{hyperref} for disabling linking
As explained in Section \nameref{sec:intro}.

Remove the aux files of both, then compile (ie. run pdflatex) the original file twice, then compile the rebuttal file twice.

Same cite reference number

To get the same reference number as used in the original file. You must compile the original file first and produce the .bbl file before compiling the rebuttal file. This snippet below allow the Reference section to be hidden.



To see how different your initial submission is to your revision. I like to have my added words written in red and the deleted ones not shown (by default it is blue). After doing latexdiff draft.tex revision.tex > diff.tex, edit diff.tex

\providecommand{\DIFaddtex}[1]{ {\protect\color{red}#1} } %change this to red color
\providecommand{\DIFdel}[1]{} % Don't show deleted text

Then compile diff.tex to produce the pdf.

Supplementary materials

To add ā€œSā€ in front of table and figure numbers, insert at the header.


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