2017.06.03 12:24

This is a very detailed guide on how to add syntax highlighting in Jekyll (Github Pages). Basically, rouge will slice the codes accordingly into separate HTML tags, the css will color it according to your theme. kramdown is the Markdown processor supported in Github Pages. What I did on my Jekyll Bootstrap:

  1. Install rouge and kramdown to generate css and render locally in the same manner as Github Pages.
     gem install kramdown rouge
  2. Update _config.yml
     markdown: kramdown
     highlighter: rouge
       input: GFM #Github Flavored Markdown
       hard_wrap: false  
       syntax_highlighter: rouge
  3. Create css file to color the syntax. I use the Bootstrap-3 theme.
     rougify style monokai > assets/themes/bootstrap-3/css/syntax.css  
  4. Add css link in <head> in _includes/themes/bootstrap-3/default.html.
     <link href="/css/syntax.css" rel="stylesheet">  

Jekyll 3.3.1 did not render the indented code block for numbered lists correctly. When I did bundle update and was updated to jekyll 3.4.3, it showed up fine.

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