2021.10.13 00:00

The setup was not really clear (I think). References:

  1. M-x package-list-package and install forge
  2. Go to Gitlab and create a personal token with all access, Copy the token key
  3. Open ~/.authinfo
     machine gitlab.com/api/v4 login <your_gitlab_username>^forge password <your_gitlab_access_token>
  4. M-x epa-encrypt-file, select OK
  5. Setup a new password
  6. Add in .emacs
     ; Auto run forge
     (with-eval-after-load 'magit
       (require 'forge))
     ; For forge authentication
     (setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo.gpg"))
  7. Do C-x e at the end of each lines above
  8. Open the magit, then type f a
  9. Add the repo and it will ask if you want to download stuff.

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